Saturday, July 18, 2015

Time to start! July 18, 2015

  I’ve always craved sharing my thoughts, from the little girl that had to stay after school because she chatted too much to the ‘privilege’ of being voted a class personality. The female ‘class chatterbox’!    On my journey to ‘Senior hood’, I often deprived myself of the opportunities to continue with the esteemed ‘chatterbox’ talent.  Groups and organizations were not my preference and so opportunities to exercise my penchant for sharing became limited. 
  My joy became my journal.  Whom better a person could I find to talk with, to share with, than myself?  Although my journal can ‘oftimes’ serve as a diary, the joy and rewards are derived from the contemplations and resultant insights into who I am and what is the purpose of this physical life for me. 
  A trusted friend suggested a ‘blog’ as an avenue to a sharing of myself.  “Me?  Who wants to hear my ramblings?”  It’s been well over a year since a blog was suggested to me, and I have finally decided to try something new.  If I connect with no one, I will still have the joy and experience of sharing myself and perhaps a new adventure will ensue! 



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks.Knowing me, you can understand why it's been fun for me to do!

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