Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"I 'got' nothing today"


 Where am I?  Where have I been and where am I going?  My blog? 
  I desire to return to sharing my cogitations but have not been able to focus and find myself, in these busy last few weeks.  They have been good weeks but in my maturity, I struggle with too much multitasking.  I may accomplish the physical multitasking but not the mental.  My thoughts and introspection are capricious and fickle and I am not able to develop or complete them. 
  I have variant thoughts on a tech company’s recent increased parental leave to a year with pay, ‘black men count’ contrary efforts, rights and privileges without responsibilities, unfettered cell phone use, rude and self-involved behaviors,  parenting adult children and grand-parenting, celebrating a 50 year marriage with Mate, constant reminders to stay out of judgment, and tending to my health as a ‘mature’ Kate. 
 Lots of fodder for consideration but I am unable to crystallize my thoughts because I’m ‘that’ dizzy blonde at this time!
  To illustrate, yesterday I was multitasking and being summoned by Mate as well as being told it was time to put a drop in my eye as part of post-cataract surgery regimen.  5-10 minutes later, I noticed an ugly taste in my mouth and on my lips.  I’d ingested nothing! My conclusion is that I put the drop in my nostril because I often use a nasal spray.   It was several hours before I could be rid of that horrible taste!

  Restless-in-bed last night, thinking that I wanted to express myself on my blog, and frustrated, I got the notion that I could share these feelings.  Surely, we all experience a lack of focus for a variety of reasons and need to be patient with ourselves by tending to our emotional, mental and physical needs.  Perhaps----------------therein lies my cogitations I care to share.  


  1. Deep. Complex. Thoughtful. Introspective. Human AND humorous! Thinking that I am 25 years younger but still experience many of the same...

    1. Karen replies:
      Multitasking, I've been told is impossible, but I certainly relate to a feeling of overwhelment. So I set an intention of being on vacation. I get a sense of "carefree-ness". It really helps to be in that mindset. I don't do it often, so it really IS like being on vacation! Aah! �� �� �� �� ���� ��

  2. Jean says:
    I could relate w yr ruminating!🙏💕


  3. Cheryl replies:
    As I read your blog today I thought about how I could relate to what you were saying to some degree. I might not be on the "as mature" side of life as you but what you were saying all connected with me...see...because I am on the "freaking ridiculously busy" side of life.

    I have told you before my mind is always racing, thinking, evaluating, deciding...blah blah blah. It is like I file away stuff in my mental file cabinet and then when I try to retrieve it I realize I filed it in the wrong location so it takes time to track it down again! Or...I forget what I was looking for in the first place when I went back to that mental file cabinet.

    It is hard and challenging at times for sure. I guess though we are at different stages we are kind of experiencing similar issues. It can be incredibly frustrating and that is when I suppose we need to step back and be gentle with ourselves. Understanding the stage we are in and accepting that for what it is versus what we want it to be.

  4. Kate - this was a good way to share others' comments to you personally in another form of communication, as some are unable to figure out how to use this Blog program!
